Our Mission: To provide a solutions-based platform for people to uncover self-empowerment, develop their gifts, and build a supportive community through the creative arts, play, and practical service.

At the core of The Collective Tribe’s structure exists a series of value balances. Each pairing can be considered as two ends of a continuum, or two sides of a scale – both extremely important, and a balance between the two even more so. These values serve to guide the direction and actions of our missions.


Core Values Balance

  1. Giving and Receiving – With the philosophy of the gift being central to the work and play of the community, we recognize the importance of maintaining balance between giving and receiving. This is essentially the truth of feedback – we get back what we put out into the world. A mission of playful service is one to inspire and amplify gifting in order to build a strong web of mutually supportive, interdependent relationships.
  2. Trust and Accountability – Every community is founded on the trust between each member and for the whole group. With a balance between individual self-direction and community accountability we ensure that problems are identified, communicated, and mitigated with ease. This encourages each individual to find the motivation to participate within one’s self, while utilizing the larger community for inspiration, encouragement, and support. Trust also extends into the financial transparency of the entire project – we want to build strong relationships with those supporting the project.
  3. Individuality and Community – We recognize the value in each individual’s unique creative gifts, as well as the fulfillment that one receives through empowered independence and freedom. This creates the support and sharing network though which we are empowered and inspired to give back. We are all in this together. It is through individual action in service to the whole that we create balance between the individual and community.
  4. Teaching and Learning – Each member of the community brings essential skills and knowledge – their gifts – to the world. The Collective Tribe creates a space in which all are given the opportunity to share and express their heart’s work in the co-creation of an inspiring, sustainable, and harmonious way of living. The entire project will be shared as a transmedia story and is available to the community in order to provide a new model for collaboration.
  5. Unity and Diversity – Strength and support are found when people come together as one. Like any healthy ecosystem, unity is given strength through the diversity of each part. Diversity is celebrated as we learn to appreciate and foster individual gifts and perspectives with receptive humility and mutual respect, empowering everyone to have a voice in the collective direction.
  6. Work and Play – The (r)evolution of love taking place on the planet is one that is bringing together the long separated notions of work and play. We are here to do our work and we are here to have fun doing it. When we are enjoying our work and devoted to our play, magic emerges and life takes on new meaning. Who says we can’t have fun while we make the world a better place?