Any collective project is only as strong as the community supporting it. The Collective Tribe’s success depends on nurturing the people and relationships involved in its creation and growth. Online sharing will utilize an emerging storytelling medium called transmedia storytelling. This means that the story of The Bus, right from the beginning stages and into the community service, will be told through multiple online mediums. With a focus on the natural, organic growth of the supporting community, this project will attract the right people at the right time as it unfolds.

This is where the right team, with diverse but complimentary gifts, becomes the bedrock for the entire project. Social media websites, video compilations, blogging, how-to information sessions, photography, music, and any other forms of creativity constitute the potential for storytelling mediums. Each medium is meant to add something new to the entire story, ultimately creating greater depth for those wishing to participate and observe. The core team for The Bus give creative direction to the characters of the inspiring story. This is how we share a practical, relatable, playful, and engaging model for living and creating a more beautiful world.


Community Structure

Bus Org copyThe Collective Tribe mirrors the Earth and consists of a circular, multi-layered organizational structure. This ensures inclusion, consensus decision making, and opportunity for all who wish to get involved to be able to at whatever level of involvement they choose.

  • The Core Team will be those interested in being involved and invested (through time and/or money) with The Bus on a more involved basis. This would include start-up and participation in the decisions, direction, and uses of the bus into the future.
  • The Support Team are those people desiring to help with the project in a less-involved, but still direct way – such as with the bus construction, community outreach, or service support (using the bus services once in operation).
  • The Greater Community includes anyone else who believes in, and supports The Collective Tribe and The Bus project. This can range anywhere from collaboration with events to simple online/marketing support and financial sponsorship or community partnership.

Click here to find out how you can get involved!